PicoScreen™ wins PC Magazine’s 2016 Editor’s Choice Award

Elite’s PicoScreen™ is Reviewed by M. David Stone of PC Magazine and Wins Prestigious Award

PicoScreen™ wins PC Magazine’s 2016 Editor’s Choice Award

Elite’s PicoScreen™ was recently evaluated by M. David Stone for PC Magazine.
“The PC35W measures only 1.5 by 28.9 by 2.8 inches when closed, making it small enough to easily fit into an airplane’s overhead storage bin” remarked Stone. This is very compelling to road-warriors who travel light and live by the code of “quick presentations on the go”.

After elaborating on the convenience of design and portability, Stone continued by speaking of the material’s functionality.
“Also important for a screen that you would likely use with people seated around a table is the 1.1 gain,
which means it offers essentially the same brightness from any viewing angle.”


  • PicoScreen™ Series
    PicoScreen™ Series
    Standard Throw