Spectrum Acoustically Transparent “4K” (Electric125H-AUHD)

Spectrum Acoustically Transparent “4K” (Electric125H-AUHD)

  • Date:  February 2018
  • Location: California
  • Event: Residential Application
  • Product: Spectrum Electric Screen with AcousticPro UHD projection material
  • Video Link: (Click Here)

Chris, a home theater connoisseur from California purchased a Spectrum 125-inch projection screen to go with his home theater system.  It drops down over his much smaller flat panel TV and speakers. The fine “UHD” weave allows sound to penetrate the material with minimal reduction and is finely woven to accommodate today’s high-resolution projectors. He puts the screen through its paces demonstrating its sound transparency, and picture performance in light and dark room environments.  As an added plus, he is using an in-ceiling kit as part of a DIY installation that he did himself.

Spectrum Acoustically Transparent Review


During his evaluation, he noted that the silent, power-saving motor may be slow but it is not an issue when compared with how long it takes for a projector to boot up. “As you can see, the screen is pretty quiet. It is not the fastest screen in the world but it will be down as soon as the projector comes up.”

The acoustic transparency segment was especially eye-opening. Chris ran a series of tests in real time leaving the viewer to make their own decision as to what they thought of the screen’s performance. In summary, he concluded with a very favorable summarization of the product: “All in all, for 125 inches 4K material and acoustic transparency, the material and build quality is pretty good. This is probably the cheapest 4K acoustically transparent material you can find and to be honest, it looks fantastic… You have to see it for yourself but I could not find any flaws.”

The review was a nice example of a home-grown and honest evaluation of a good product made for customers who like cost efficiency without sacrificing quality to get it. The addition of an in-ceiling kit is a nice touch and it made the performance even more special.  When just the TV will do, the screen disappears into the ceiling.  But at any time, “Larger than life” is just one button-push away.


  • Spectrum AcousticPro UHD Series
    Spectrum AcousticPro UHD Series
    Standard Throw Only