Ultra-Short-Throw Projectors and Ambient Light Rejecting Materials

How Can the two hottest projection trends (ALR Screens & UST Projectors) be combined? Will any “light-rejecting” material work or is there more science to it?

Since high-quality ultra-short-throw (UST) projectors first made their appearance, customers have preferred them as a convenient solution over the traditional “long-throw” projection array. UST projectors eliminated the long throw distance between projector and screen so there is no annoyance from foot traffic passing between the projector and screen. Second, getting the big picture no longer requires a large room. Now, a +120”-sized display does not require a commitment of 15-20 feet for the projector to throw. Instead, a larger-than-life picture can virtually be as self-contained as a large flat-panel display but without the enormous installation cost with a project magnitude that will require a structural engineer.

Ambient light rejecting (ALR) materials

Ambient light rejecting (ALR) materials are the logical choice for today’s commercial workplace or residential living space. It is just too inconvenient to always make the room dark when you want to see a large projected image. ALR screens allow a projection display to be used more like a TV display in a room with high levels of ambient light. This also includes in-ceiling light sources that are especially prolific in in commercial locations. Ceiling light rejecting (CLR) materials are ALR materials also but are specially formatted to more specifically reject overhead lighting by as much as 95%.

The big question is “how would you combine these into one product?” The simulated discussion below covers the bases as to why some ALR materials don’t work with UST projectors, what materials do work with UST and why.

(Click Here to Read Full Article)


About The Aeon CLR® ALR/CLR Screen for UST Projectors


The Aeon CLR® is an EDGE FREE CLR® fixed frame screen made specifically for use with UST (ultra-short-throw) projectors. It uses Elite’s innovative StarBright CLR® (Ceiling Light Rejecting®) material. Its serriform optical surface lens microstructure negates the washout effect of ambient light especially from overhead sources. This also enables the material to provide contrast levels that are 100 times greater than that of standard matte white projection screens.

  • StarBright CLR®
    Ultra Short-Throw
    StarBright CLR®
    Ultra Short-Throw Only
  • Aeon CLR® Series
    Ultra Short-Throw
    Aeon CLR® Series
    Ultra Short-Throw Only