Press Releases : CineTension 2 Dual at Beverly Hills Playhouse

Garden Grove, CA. February, 2019. Elite Screens, a leading US projection screen company is pleased to announce that they have successfully crossed an ambient and ceiling light rejecting material (ALR/CLR®) with the properties of an acoustically transparent screen.

Although Elite’s videographer documented the installation, the case study would remain incomplete until an authentic testimonial was acquired. For this, Miles Cooper, an actor at the Beverly Hills Playhouse sat down to give his testimonial after using the screen on multiple occasions. The venue is 35 years old and has been the home of many Hollywood A-list celebrities.

Beverly Hills Playhouse features a scene study class and the screen is primarily used to show it’s student’s films. “We chose the rear projection screen because we can’t have the projector in front since the backs of the student’s heads would shadow the screen.” Said Cooper in his description of the screen’s use. “The actors and film makers can now stand in front of the screen anyway and they won’t cast a shadow on the material.” When asked about the setup, Cooper replied “The installation was super easy. So, we had a sturdy metal (ceiling beam) with some brackets and it literally took about 30-minutes. It was super easy to install and now it just takes a click of the button and the screen comes down.”

The dual-projection material means that regardless if it is front or rear projection, there is an equally bright and clear picture on either side of the material.  If Elite can provide a product good enough for a place many  Hollywood elites call “home”, imagine the possibilities in your home.


About the Venue:

The Beverly Hills Playhouse has for over thirty-five years offered ongoing intensive scene-study acting classes in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, San Francisco, and New York for both the professional actor and those who are looking to develop themselves into professional actors. The BHP is well known for Milton Katselas’ unique approach, which addresses Acting, Attitude, and Career Administration. Among the alumni of this institution are names such as George Clooney, Gladys Knight, Michael Pena, Tom Selleck, Patrick Swayze, and many more.

About the CineTension 2 Dual Series (TE150HR2-DUAL)

CineTension 2 WraithVeil Dual is a sturdy, well-made electric motorized projector screen that has front and rear-projection capabilities. Its tab-tensioned material provides uniform flatness for exceptional projected image clarity. The Wraith Veil Dual material presents a bright, clear image on both sides when projected upon from either angle. This versatile fabric gives optimal results under controlled room lighting while maintaining excellent performance under mild levels of ambient lighting with a high lumens (output) projector. The screen drops and retracts by means of a powerful tubular motor. Its sliding installation brackets ensure a perfectly centered installation. In addition to the installation kit, a full IR/RF, RJ45 and 12-volt trigger control package is included.

The product featured in the video is a CineTension 2 WraithVeil Dual (TE150HR2-DUAL) 150” screen in a 16:9 HDTV format.


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    WraithVeil® Dual
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  • CineTension 2 WraithVeil® Dual Series
    CineTension 2 WraithVeil® Dual Series