Yard Master 2 WraithVeil™ Dual Portable Front-Rear Projection Screen at Compton High School

Elite Screens Demonstrates the Yard Master 2 WraithVeil™ Dual Portable Front-Rear Projection Screen at Compton High School

  • Date: April 2019
  • Location: Compton, CA
  • Venue: Compton High School
  • Contact: Ryan Hensman
  • Product: Yard Master 2 WraithVeil™ Dual “portable 2-way projection screen” 180” 16:9 aspect ratio (OMS180H2-Dual)
  • Projector: Multiple
  • Video Link(Click Here)

Main Article:

Large portable projection displays are often the best solution for K-12 applications. A constant problem with presenting at schools is the absence of dedicated wall space for large video displays. Large TV flat panels may be used but getting one in an appropriate size is cost prohibitive and they are vulnerable to damage in busy environments such as classrooms, cafeterias, multi-purpose rooms and gymnasiums.

The best solution is often, a free-standing projection screen that provides a much larger video surface than what can normally be obtained. Portable free-standing projection displays can be set up in places where wall or ceiling screen installations may be impractical. Another way to look at it is if projectors are getting used more often for portable presentations, shouldn’t the screen be equally convenient in travelling with the projector so that it maybe set up whenever and wherever needed? Special thanks goes out to the staff of Compton High School in Southern California for allowing us to record testimonial from faculty members. It was great to visit and record how this screen is used. The people filmed are not Elite employees. They assembled the screen unassisted to show how easily it can be done. They didn’t have to do this but the fact that they did added to the experience and our team is grateful for their testimonial.

Customer Testimonial:

Ryan Hensman originally acquired the product for the school. His intention was for something serviceable but inevitably, the Yard Master 2 WraithVeil™ Dual found its way into some really fun applications as well. “I recently purchased a Yard Master 2 Dual projection screen. We use the screen here at the high school for a variety of things. Some of the educational items we use it for is large YouTube videos, student presentations, and even 3-D virtual college tours. So instead of putting a whole group of students on a bus and going to a campus that is too far for us, we can go and look at the screen and do a virtual tour that way. I like the size and I like the fact that it can be rear-projection so we don’t have to put the projector in front of the screen where students can trip over the wires or cast a shadow (when passing between the projector and screen surface). The projector is in the back (behind the screen) and it gives that real-life movie experience.”

Hensman went on to describe the durable quality of the screen as well as the fun ways that they get to enjoy the product. “The stand is very firm; the screen is made out of very durable material and any teacher can set it up in 5-10 minutes.  One of the fun things we’ve used the screen for is movie night like tonight where we are inviting over a hundred-plus students to have a real live movie experience here in the cafeteria. We’re going to be laying on the floor comfy-style and we even plan to take it outside later on in the warmer months.”

About the Yard Master 2 WraithVeil™ Dual Series

Elite’s Yard Master 2 WraithVeil™ Dual is a portable tube-frame screen made of sturdy interconnecting steel segments that withstand the rigors of outdoor use. It utilizes our versatile WraithVeil™ Dual projection screen material which accommodates front or rear projection. It diffuses projected light to create a bright, clear picture regardless of whichever side of the screen is being watched. The material’s matte-black masking borders improve visual contrast while absorbing projector overshoot. The material is secured to the frame using Velcro straps that enhance tension uniformity over a broad viewing angle.


  • WraithVeil® Dual
    WraithVeil® Dual
    Ultra-Short/ Short / Standard Throw
  • Yard Master 2 Dual Series Available Sizes
    Yard Master 2 WraithVeil® Dual Series
    Ultra-Short/ Short / Standard Throw