Q: What are the advantages of Passive 3D over Active 3D technology?

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Q: What are the advantages of Passive 3D over Active 3D technology?

Passive 3D occurs in real time with both eyes seeing an actual picture as opposed to the alternating right-Left eye flickering of active 3D technology. The advantage in this is that the image is brighter because it is simultaneously shown to both eyes. With Active 3D the glasses obstruct the vision of one eye while allowing the other to see the picture alternating at about 60 exposures per eye per second. Essentially the viewer is blindfolded half the time without really being aware of it. The “flickering” of Active 3D technology is that  cross-talk and shadowing artifacts occur more easily. It also has a higher tendency to create eye-discomfort in viewers. Passive 3D allows viewers to see the image more comfortably  with greater brightness and clarity. Passive 3D glasses are also inexpensive so that they may be easily obtained in quantity and do not suffer from mechanical malfunction like the electrically powered active 3D glasses