Q: Will the CineGrey 3D (AT)/4D (AT)/5D® ambient light rejecting screen material cause the “hot spot” effect?

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Q: Will the CineGrey 3D (AT)/4D (AT)/5D® ambient light rejecting screen material cause the “hot spot” effect?

Elite Screens’ CineGrey 3D® (AT)/4D (AT)/5D® is a color neutral smooth surface with sparkling elements to increase screen gain in an ambient light room environment. These special characteristics incorporates a diffusion layer over a highly reflective surface which scatters ambient light while improving picture performance with a brighter image. The projector itself, however also plays a big part in creating a hot spot. Projectors highest brightness levels are focused in the center, and only about 70% to 80% in the corners. In other words, the uniformity itself is not spread entirely even across the screen, thus creating a brighter spot in the center area. To combat this, we recommend the following.

1. Reduce the projector’s light output by choosing an economy mode
2. Install the projector further away from the screen, minimum of 1.5 x the image width
3. Go with a lower gain screen