Elite Screens QuickStand 5-Second Wins 2014 WFX AWARD

Elite Screens is pleased to announce that it’s QuickStand 5-Second has won the projection screens category for the WFX 2014 New Product Technology Award.

The Worship Facilities Expo (WFX) is a nationwide event that brings together the top house of worship designers and installers along with the leading manufacturers of audio-visual gear. The awards are decided by a panel of industry experts who know from vast experience as to what is required for this channel by determining what products would be the most appropriate for its customer’s needs.

We are honored to be recognized for the effort we have made in providing the right products for the industries we serve. The various house of worship channels have high standards and we are pleased to be counted as a go-to manufacturer for this industry.

If you have any questions or comments, we look forward to your replies.

Best regards.
-Dave Rodgers
Marketing Manager, Elite Screens Inc.

About the QuickStand 5-Second Series

The QuickStand 5-Second Projection Screen is a free-standing “pull-up” stage projection screen for large group presentations. It utilizes an innovative dual cross spring mechanism to support its Greenguard® Gold (UL2818) Certified MaxWhite® FG 1.1 gain material. It is encased in an ATA wheeled aluminum stage case with drape kit included

To learn more about the QuickStand 5-Second projection screen or any other Elite products, please contact us through Contact Form

QuickStand 5-Second Series, Large Venue Portable Projection
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  • QuickStand 5-Second Series
    QuickStand 5-Second Series
    Standard Throw Only