Mark Hanna Speaks Out About The QuickStand 5-Second Projector Screen
An often overlooked topic in Professional-AV applications is the mobile big-screen display for large venues. The truth is that a large, professional-looking display which can be relocated quickly provides an immeasurable value in versatility and performance.
Mark Hanna is 20-year Church Technology Specialist who put the QuickStand 5-Second Series to extensive use and gave a glowing report as to its capabilities in fulfilling this very role. Among its many features and “rock-solid” built-in stage case design, Hanna points out its true value especially in mobile setup and tear down applications. This includes school auditoriums and gymnasiums as well as other large venues. In addition to this, he validated the product living up to its name by stating “…it really only takes five seconds to set up…if you do it slow”.
Please take a moment to visit the site and see the video. As always, we welcome your comments and look forward to answering your questions.
Warm regards.
Dave Rodgers
Marketing Manager, Elite Screens Inc.
About the QuickStand 5-Second Series

The QuickStand 5-Second Projector Screen utilizes a free-standing “pull-up” design for large venue presentations where wall or ceiling mounted projection screens are impractical.
Its innovative dual cross spring mechanism supports the Greenguard® Gold (UL2818) Certified MaxWhite® FG 1.1 gain material. It is encased in an ATA wheeled aluminum stage case with drape kit included.