Real Housewife of Orange County Collaborates with Elite Screens!
Jo De La Rosa, from The Real Housewives of Orange County, brings Hollywood home with the Kestrel Tab-Tension 2 CLR® Series.
In her TikTok reel, Rosa said “Being able to seamlessly go from Hollywood outside of our window to Hollywood inside on our screen without sacrificing our view is the coolest feeling.”

This electric, floor-rising screen is style and convenience in one package; its non-invasive design guarantees you won’t be sacrificing anything for a home theater.
The Kestrel’s StarBright CLR® material is configured in a tab-tensioned format to ensure a taut, flat, and ripple-free projection surface suitable for ultra-short throw projectors. Along with the included RF and IR remotes to control your screen wirelessly, this model is available either in a black or white housing to fit any room décor.
Rosa adds, “I was surprised by how bright and clear the image was even on a really sunny afternoon.”
Check out the Elite Screens feature on Rosa’s TikTok page!