Q : How can I sync RF remote to my Yard Master Electric / Yard Master Electric Tension screen?

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How can I sync RF remote to my Yard Master Electric / Yard Master Electric Tension screen?

Here are the instructions on how to sync your RF remote. Radio Frequency (RF) Remote Synchronization Instructions for: ZOMS-RF-W-V1.0 and  ZOMS-RF-W-V2.0

1. Unplug the screen’s power cable from the power outlet.
2. Press and HOLD the UP button on the RF remote
3. While holding the UP button, plug the screen’s power cable back into the power outlet. a. You should hear a single “beep” when the power cable has been plugged in, indicating it has entered pairing mode.
4. After hearing a set of multiple “beeps”, release UP button for 2 seconds, then press UP button again.
5. You should now be able to control your electric screen with the RF remote control.
6. If unsuccessful repeat from Step 1.