Q: How do I clean my Elite Screen projection screen material?

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Q: How do I clean my Elite Screen projection screen material?

All Elite Screens projection materials with the exception of the StarBright™ 7 and the StarBright™ 4 can be cleaned with mild soap and water using a soft terry cloth. For stain removals, stronger cleaning agent may be used. Please use with caution as strong cleaning agents may remove the coating screen material and cause permanent damage. StarBright™ 7 material is to be cleaned with a very soft cloth and mild soap and water.  Do not rub the viewing surface or permanent damage will occur. StarbBright™ 4 (WhiteBoardScreen™) is cleaned with the included spray bottle and the high density eraser.  For deep cleaning, we recommend using a low alcohol product and wiping it off with the high density eraser. Click Here for Maintenance Care Sheet