Dry-Erase Whiteboard Projector Screen Accessories

Dry-Erase Whiteboard Projector Screen Accessories

  • For use with all Elite’s Dry-Erase Projection Screens
  • Easily cleans your white board screen, without damaging or scuffing the surface
  • Extend the longevity of your Elite Screens White-Board-Projection-Screen
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How to Properly Dry Erase Elite Whiteboard Screens


Model Number Description
ZER1 2 High Density whiteboard erasers
ZER2 2 pens, 2 erasers, and 1 cradle
ZER3 1 bottle of 8.45 oz. cleaning solution, 1 microfiber cloth, 2 high density foam erasers, 2 sets of blue & red markers
ZER4 5 pc set of High Density whiteboard erasers
ZERC3 1 bottle of 250ml cleaning solution
ZERC4 1 bottle of 1000ml cleaning solution

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Q : How do I properly remove dry-erase markings from my Elite Whiteboard Projection Screen?
How do I properly remove dry-erase markings from my Elite Whiteboard Projection Screen?

 Before using the dry-erase function of your whiteboard screen, please make note of the following instructions to properly maintain and clean your dry-erase surface projection screen. (These Whiteboard cleaning tips are just as relevant with any dry-erase writing surface as they are with our Whiteboard-Projection Screens.)
1. Only use a high density foam eraser when removing dry-erase markings from the Whiteboard screen.
2. Do not use abrasive erasers as these may scratch the surface of the screen.
3. Never spray the whiteboard cleaner solution onto the surface while marker writing is present and then attempt to use a high density foam eraser to remove. This will only smear the dry-erase marker ink making the surface more difficult to clean and will likely ruin the foam eraser.
4. If there are any dry-erase markings left behind even after attempting to remove them using our high density erasers, spray our whiteboard cleaning solution directly onto the screen surface and use only a soft microfiber cloth to wipe-down and clean the area.

For a video demonstrationHow to Properly Dry Erase Elite Whiteboard Screens

Q: What type of dry-erase markers do you recommend using on my Elite Screens whiteboard screen product?
What type of dry-erase markers do you recommend using on my Elite Screens whiteboard screen product?

Elite Screens recommends using our dy-erase markers.  Additional markers can be purchased in a set, part number ZER3. Any other regular low-odor dry-erase markers brands such as EXPO are also ok to use.

Q: Will any after-market whiteboard cleaning solution product or whiteboard markers work on my Elite whiteboard projection screen?
Will any after-market whiteboard cleaning solution product or whiteboard markers work on my Elite whiteboard projection screen?

After market dry-erase markers/pens and the cleaning solution can be used on Elite’s whiteboard projection screens products. We also have a starter kit available for purchase, please click HERE for more details.

Q: Will any whiteboard cleaning product or whiteboard markers work on my Elite whiteboard screen?
Q: Will any whiteboard cleaning product or whiteboard markers work on my Elite whiteboard screen?

For best results we strongly recommend using only Elite Screens whiteboard erasers and markers since the material is a unique dual projection  and dry-erase surface. Please see Elite’s whiteboard projection screen starter kit HERE

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