Q: I have a new UST projector in my multi-purpose room with very good light control. Considering to buy a StarBright CLR®/CLR® 2/CLR® 3 or CineGrey 3D/5D® screen. What is the difference?
Q: How about using any “CLR/ALR” (Cinegrey®3D/5D or Starbright CLR®/CLR® 2/CLR® 3) with a ceiling-installed UST/ST projector?
Q: Your website says that CineGrey 3D® (AT)/CineGrey 4D (AT)/CineGrey 5D® are not compatible with ultra-short throw projectors. Can you explain what this combination will look like and why it will not work?
Q: Will the CineGrey 3D (AT)/4D (AT)/5D® ambient light rejecting screen material cause the “hot spot” effect?
Q: I have a short throw/ultra-short throw projector, will this projector work with the ambient light rejecting CineGrey 3D® (AT)/CineGrey 4D (AT)/5D® angular-reflective materials?
Q: How well does the CineGrey 5D®/CineGrey 3D® (AT)/CineGrey 4D (AT) perform in a dark room environment?
Q: What are the benefits of using CineGrey 3D® (AT)/CineGrey 4D (AT) or CineGrey 5D® material in a dark room with white ceiling and walls?
Q: Isn’t the regular matte grey material the best for enhancing contrast? If not what material should I consider and why?